"*" indicates required fields
The competency of the ECC-Net is residence based. As ECC Lithuania we can only intervene for consumers residing in Lithuania and having a cross-border complaint against a trader based in another Member state of the EU, Iceland, Norway or the UK. The aim of ECC-Net is to co-operate efficiently and promptly.
Therefore please contact the European Consumer Centre in your country of residence. The colleagues will advise you: https://www.eccnet.eu/contact-your-local-ecc
If you are a Lithuanian resident, and you have a complaint against a Lithuanian trader, we are not entitled to act on your behalf in this matter. Therefore, please contact State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (vvtat.lt).
Does your complaint concern a purchase from a country outside of the EU, such as China or the United States? You may want to check out ICPEN https://icpen.org/resolve-dispute#cross-border-disputes
As ECCs our mission is to help consumers. If you have a question or purchased a product or service for business use, we are unfortunately unable to assist. Please contact the Enterprise Europe Network: https://een.ec.europa.eu/local-contact-points/lt
ECC-Net has no enforcement or sanctioning powers and, therefore, the outcome of your complaint is dependent on the trader’s willingness to co-operate. Unfortunately, in case of fraud, we are not able to help you, as you are dealing with criminal offence. Please contact law enforcement institutions: https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime/report-cybercrime-online
Always make your complaint known to the trader in writing, in order to give him a chance to offer a solution. When writing a letter, please check out our template letters section. Traders should respond within two weeks (if trader is an airline – please wait at least two months). No solution could be found? Then we will gladly help you further.
* These fields are mandatory.
Attachments should be in .pdf or .doc format. Please do not upload screenshots.
You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt together with the file number (ECCLT-XXX) which will be used to follow up the claim.
Our advisors will then do their best to respond to you within 10 working days and keep you informed throughout the process.